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Best Soundproof Curtains for Doors | An Unbiased Review | Buying Guide

best soundproof curtains for doors

Are you looking for the best soundproof curtains for doors?

Well, in this post, I'll walk you through the various aspects of soundproof curtains that will help you in making a smart decision.

It goes without saying that Soundproof Curtains are one of the best ways to dampen unwanted noise.

Besides sound deadening, it also helps in enhancing the thermal insulation properties of your room.

Do I need to say that it will also enhance the decor of your room?

You can hang soundproof curtains on doors, windows, and even on the walls.

I've been working as a soundproof consultant for a decade now. 

During my career, I've met a different type of clients.

Since I'm based out of a metro city, so most of my clients have a common problem.

Yes, you guessed it RIGHT.

Trust me, people in the metros are literally suffering from unwanted noise.

I firmly believe that in the next few years, the noiseless ambiance will be a luxury.

Everyone wouldn't be able to afford it.

Nowadays, everywhere you'll find unwanted noise.

Be it barking of dogs or cars buzzing around, you're definitely gonna feel uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, loud noise can impact your physical as well as mental health.

You need to be very careful in tackling the noise around you.

You may get distracted because of the noise.

Things were fine for me until I decided to buy an apartment in the vicinity of the airport.

Without any doubt, my apartment is an aesthetic place for me.

In fact, I converted one of the room as my home office.

But, soon I realized that I had made the wrong decision in buying an apartment near the airport.

I was left with only two options: either I would sell the apartment or soundproof it.

Though the latter was a costly affair still I decided to stick with it.

I soundproof my entire apartment to achieve the epitome of silence.

[Related]: 1. Soundproof Room
                  2. The budget of Soundproof Room

Since I had invested almost all my savings in buying the apartment, I had very little to spend on soundproofing.

I used cost-effective soundproofing materials, and you know what, I achieved almost 80 percent of what I was aiming for.

Needless to say, soundproof curtains played a crucial role, especially in soundproofing doors and soundproofing windows.

The good news about these thick noise canceling curtain is that it works both ways.

These acoustic curtains will not only block the outside noise but will also reduce the echoes, reverbs, and vibrations.

However, the toughest task is to buy a good thick sound blocking curtains.

The market is flooded with the soundproof curtains, and to find a quality product isn't easy.

So, what's the solution?

Well, the motive behind this post is to help you make a smart decision.

I'll try to cover the soundproof curtains from different categories.

You don't have to worry in case you're on a tight budget. I'll walk you through some value for money product.

So, without further ado, let's begin...

You'll be astonished to know that all the acoustic curtains that made to our list have REALLY performed well on the various parameters that we've taken into consideration for the selection of best soundproof curtains.

Does it make sense?

Best Soundproof Curtains

(Check the Current Price On Amazon by Clicking the aforementioned product links)

As discussed earlier, a total of eight soundproof curtains were added to the list.

In order to help you with the best product review, we've also given some points to the positive feedback from our clients.

There are lots of parameters that contribute to the success of the soundproof curtains.

In case, you aren't aware of things that you need to consider for a smart buy, then you can have a look at the buying guide that we'll discuss at the end of this post.

best soundproof curtains for doors

Do soundproof curtains really work?

Well, the query is relative. In fact, whether a soundproof curtain will work for you or NOT depends totally on your expectation and the product performance.

Being brutally honest, if your expectation is too high from these acoustical curtains, then trust me, you're gonna get disheartened.

For example, one of my clients came to me and asked, "I've installed a soundproof curtain on my door, but still I'm hearing noise from outside?"

Well, a soundproof curtain will not do any magic. 

Furthermore, an acoustic curtain alone can't cancel all the noise.

It's next to impossible to achieve 100 percent noise cancelation from these noise reduction curtains.

However, eliminating the outside noise completely is definitely possible, but for that, you'll need something more than a soundproof drape.

So, the question arises, "what a soundproof curtain does?".

These sound blocking curtains for windows & doors reduces the noise level both ways.

These heavy soundproof curtains block the external noise from entering your room, at the same time, it also reduces the echoes, reverbs, and vibrations in your room.

These soundproof drapes are made of thick and dense materials that dampen the echoes to a great extent.

The multi-layer fabrics absorb unwanted noise.

I also recommend my clients to use soundproof curtains along with window films for the optimum result.

Have you ever used noise blocking window films?

If yes, then let us know your experience in the comment section.

Things to look for when buying soundproof curtains for doors

Nowadays, the market is flooded with soundproof curtains, and it is REALLY difficult to find a value for money product, until and unless you're well aware in advance of the things that you need to look for in the product.

As a newbie, the probability is high that you may end up making a wrong decision because of the lack of knowledge about the buying criteria.

But, the good news is that you don't have to worry, I'm here to help you to make an informed decision.


So, without wasting any time, let's dig dive into the buying guide.

1. Overall Size

You may be astonished to know that the length and breadth can influence the performance of soundproof drapes to a great extent.

So, while taking a final call on these heavy soundproof curtains, you need to be very careful.

Don't believe me?

Well, allow me to explain it in simple, yet influencing manner.

Most of the first time buyers do the mistake in selecting the overall size of the soundproof curtains for doors and windows, and later end up criticizing the acoustical curtains for NOT performing as per the expectation.

Are you also the one who is making this BIG MISTAKE?

Don't worry after today you'll never make such mistakes.

Trust me, I'm not kidding.

Enough of blabbering, let's get into the discussion mode.

When we buy a normal curtain, we'll look for the size that will sync with the size of the window frame, right?

But, the same doesn't hold true in the case of soundproof drapes.

Bonus Tip: The thumb rule is the bigger and longer the acoustical curtain the better it will perform.

For the optimum performance, you need to buy heavy soundproof curtains that are 3 times wider than your window, and at least 10 inches long.

Anything less will not give you a great result.

Isn't it better to make an informed decision rather than end up criticizing the product?

This extra coverage plays a crucial role in canceling the unwanted noise and also covering the gap between the window frame and the curtain.

As a soundproof consultant, my success depends to a large extent on the innovative methods that I inculcate in my soundproofing projects.

It goes without saying that for adding innovation to my projects, I need to do lots of experiments, right?

In the context of the soundproofing curtains, I've tried a lot of sizes, and the one that works best for me was the soundproofing curtains for windows (check the current price on Amazon) that went from ceiling to floor.

I highly recommend measuring the length and breadth of your window frame, so that you can buy a soundproof drape that is approximate as per the needed dimension.

The extra length will cover the small holes and gaps present in the vicinity of the window frame.

2. Weight

Similar to the length and breadth, weight is also an important parameter to consider.

When you're shopping for acoustic drapes, you'll find two types of drapes; lighter ones & heavier ones.

I would recommend you to go with the heavy soundproof curtains.

Nonetheless, you may find it difficult to hang the heavy drapes on the doors because of its weight, but it's worth the effort made.

Bonus Tip: The heavier the curtain the better it is at reflecting and absorbing sound.

Definitely, the weight is gonna impact the noise canceling ability of a soundproof drape.

The heavy soundproof curtains are great at negating low-frequency sound waves such as the noise coming from heavy machinery.

To make things clear to you in a better way, allow me to explain to you a project that I did for one of my premium clients.

The project was to soundproof his home office.

Since he was residing in the vicinity of the high traffic zone, so it wasn't easy for our team to achieve the epitome of silence.

Unfortunately, we had a very tight budget for this project, so there wasn't any room for the experiment.

We used our previous experience and help him to achieve the noiseless ambiance, but the most important learning of installing the soundproof drapes in a well planned and effective way.

You may not believe, I didn't taste the success for this project until I decided to play with the layers of the soundproof drapes.

Though these heavy soundproof curtains for doors were good at noise canceling as well as noise absorbing still I wasn't able to achieve what I was looking for.

So, slowly and gradually, the pressure was increasing.

I took the decision of quadrupling the layer of acoustic curtains, and this one step made all the difference.

Nonetheless, you'll need a heavy-duty rod to carry the weight of the acoustic drapes.

Due to the increase in the layers of the soundproof drape, the noise coming from outside drastically reduced.

Moving further, let's see how a soundproof curtain can influence the performance of noise reduction curtains.

3. Curtain Rods

As a soundproof enthusiast, I'm assuming that you're well aware of the types of curtain rods.

I've tried a couple of them, and it goes without saying that I vouch for wrap-around rods. (Check the current price on Amazon)

The good thing about these curtains rods is that it is attached into the walls at a curve.

This curve may not sound to you a thing of great importance, but the truth is the curve can help the curtain to negate any gap between the window frame and the soundproof drapes, resulting in effective noise cancelation.

On the other hand, you can also use double rods.

These rods will allow you to double up on the layering of your sound absorbing curtains.

As a result, you may find a decrease in the unwanted light entering your room as well as an increase in noise reduction.

You can prefer double rods (Check the current price on Amazon) over others if you're planning to buy multiple curtain panels to increase the amount of noise protection.

In case, you're looking for some out of the box ideas, then I would recommend you to replace the curtain rods with ceiling-mounted brackets. (Check the current price on Amazon)

As the name suggests, these ceiling-mounted brackets hang down from the ceiling and provide you with more floor-to-ceiling coverage. 

As a result, there is an increase in the noise deadening area.

4. Materials

Of course, material matters.

I always bet on the soundproof drapes that have extra fiber in the material that they are made up of.

In the layman language, look for the product specifications and give preference to the materials such as suede or velvet.

Look for the curtains having labels such as insulated, thermal weave, thermal layer etc. 

The aforementioned label signifies that these materials contain extra fiber adding to the noise absorption feature of the curtain.

In addition to the noise absorption, these acoustic drapes are also well prepared to combat the unwanted heat & cold that may prevail due to the change in the weather.

You may expect a decrease in your electricity bill due to the thermal insulation properties of heavy soundproof curtains.

Furthermore, I would highly recommend looking for noise reduction curtains with extra liners.

Many of the high-quality heavy soundproof curtains for windows & doors come with extra liners.

The liners are of different types such as window liners, blackout liners, and curtain liners. 

They provide an extra layer that will present an additional layer of the barrier to the sound waves trying to enter your room and vice-versa.

Till now, I have tried to the best of my capabilities to walk you through the idiosyncratic factors that can influence the buying decision.

However, there are a few more factors that can impact the buying directly or indirectly.

5. Other Factors:

The below-mentioned factors can influence the buying decision to some extent.

For making an informed decision, we can't afford to ignore these factors.

5.1 Price:

The soundproof domain is a bit different when it comes to pricing. 

When it comes to pricing the costliest aren't always the best ones.

I've mentioned earlier also that currently the market is flooded with soundproof drapes, and everyone claims to solve your noise problem.

But, the reality is quite bitter, and it is really difficult to find a product that is effective yet budget-friendly.

If you aren't on a tight budget, then you may go for a high-end acoustic curtain, but the majority of people have some budget, and they buy the drapes accordingly.

So, always keep an eye on the price, and buy the product only after proper homework because by simply spending the money may not help you with a quality product.

5.2 Amazon Reviews

Of course, it goes without saying that Amazon is one of the well-known e-commerce players, and also highly trusted brand.

Amazon reviews can help you to know about the soundproof drapes from the individuals who are already using the product.

What can be better than this, right?

I would recommend you to look for the products that have at least 50 reviews and the rating above 4.

Spending some time with the reviews can be a great way to know about the products from the user's point of view.

5.3 Window Measurement

Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

With that said, it is advisable to know the measurement of your window frame.

However, the acoustic drapes that made to our list are large enough to cover any type of windows.

In short, you don't have to worry.

5.4 Color

In fact, it's a relative term, indeed. Color may or may not be on your priority list when taking a final call on the soundproof drape.

However, if you're the one who gets fascinated with the colors then I would advise you to look for the brands that come in a variety of colors.

I've come across many clients who simply said NO to the best soundproof curtains because it wasn't available in the color they were looking for.

5.5 Ease of Installation

Again, it's a relative term, but tell me, who'll NOT prefer a soundproof curtain with ease of installation.

Especially for the newbies, ease of installation may influence the buying decision.

For the newbies, ease of installation definitely helps in saving a few bucks.

Well, the complicated installation process may need professional help, and you'll end up spending a few more bucks.

5.6 Grommets

Many people don't consider Grommet as an important parameter, but for me, it is one of the important parameters because it can directly impact the performance of the acoustical curtains.

I hope you'll well aware of the fact that soundproof curtains come with and without grommets.

Without any doubt, the curtains without grommets cost you a few bucks less, but the overall cost will rise when you'll take a professional to embed the grommets in the drapes.

Bonus Tip: Always buy a soundproof curtain that comes with an installed grommet.

Again, you also need to be careful about the quality of grommets.

It goes without saying that the grommets should be strong enough to hold the weight of the soundproof drapes.

I personally prefer steel grommets over others because it is capable enough to hold the weight of the curtain.

At the same time, it easily opens and closes, and also prevents the tear and wear of the soundproof drapes.

5.6 Easy to Wash

Last in the list is easy to wash.

Definitely, the drapes that are machine washable will be preferred over the ones that need dry cleaning, right?

Another thing that you need to consider is that the soundproof curtains don't stain easily.

I'm tried to cover even the minute of the details that may influence the buying decision.

In case, you think I've missed on certain parameters, then please let us know in the comment section.

I will try to inculcate the points in this post if found relevant to the topic.

Best Soundproof Curtains for Doors Review

Moving further, I'm gonna review 8 soundproof drapes that are perfect for doors & windows.

We have tested these heavy soundproof curtains on various parameters before including them into our list.

Being brutally honest, I was well aware of the fact that which all acoustic curtains will make to the top 8 best soundproof curtain list because of the feedback from my clients.

All the eight curtains are great in their own ways and depending upon your requirement and budget, you can take a final call on any one of them.

Hope it makes sense.

1. NICETOWN Thermal Insulated Blackout Lined Curtains

It goes without saying that NICETOWN is well-known as well as a well-established brand in the soundproof domain.

Especially, in the acoustic drapes segment, no one even comes closer to the market leaders.

nicetown noise reducing curtains
(Check the Current Price On Amazon)
Personally, I've been using NICETOWN Thermal Insulated Blackout Lined Curtains from a quite a few time now, and you know what, it's a complete value for money product.

As a newbie, you must try this heavy soundproof curtain because it will definitely help you to achieve epitome of quietness.

NICETOWN offers a wide range of product line to penetrate into different product categories.

To give you a brief about their bandwidth, they have the cheapest as well as the costliest product available on the market.

They know what their prospects are looking for and as a result, they get a high conversion.

This thermal insulated blackout lined curtain is one of their best offerings in the high-end segment.

The company claims that these noise canceling curtains are capable of 100 percent blackout.

Our team did the experiment and found that they are true to their claims.

So, 100% of light blackout can be beneficial in many ways.

You can use these noise reducing curtains in your bedroom or the places where you prefer darkness over sunlight.

They come in different sizes and three colors: white, black, and grey.

For me, these curtains were a boon because I was looking for something that could prevent the street lights from entering my home office.

On the other hand, if you're a romantic sort of person, then you can use these blackout curtains for a peaceful candlelight dinner as well.

You may be wondering, I'm talking here and there, but I'm not discussing their sound dampening capabilities, right?

The NICETOWN Thermal Insulated Blackout Lined Curtains are among the best when it comes to sound dampening capabilities.

You can expect the outside noise to be blocked fully in most of the cases.

However, if you're staying near the railway station or airport, then you may have to use some additional soundproofing materials such as soundproof window films, weatherstripping, bass traps, foam panels etc.

In short, the external noise will be muted to a point of it being non-existence.

Some of my clients have claimed that the material of these acoustic curtains are susceptible to damage, and get stained and ripped easily.

Well, I have shared it just for your information.

Nonetheless, I never faced a similar problem.

On the downside, these heavy acoustic drapes are quite costly, and I wouldn't recommend you to purchase them if you're on a tight budget.

It will be like misguiding my readers if I'll say that these curtains don't have any negative side.

However, the positives far outweigh the negatives and make this purchase worth it.

As a soundproof consultant, I've tried my hands on quite a good number of acoustic curtains, and I can assure you that there may be only a few high-end curtains if any, that have the same light blocking as well as noise canceling capabilities.

So, what are you waiting for?

  • Polyester (High-quality fabric)
  • Dimension: 52" wide & 84" long
  • Silver grommet with a 1.6-inch inner diameter
  • 100 percent blackout: prevents sunlight as well as UV Rays from entering your room
  • Superlative noise reducing capabilities: The effect of absorbing sound is twice as compared to ordinary 1-layer curtains
  • Idiosyncratic design: This triple weave blackout fabric consists of 2 layers
  • Eco-friendly: It doesn't use chemical coating or formaldehyde
  • Thermal insulation
  • Machine washable
  • Each package contains two panels
  • Reduction in electricity bill up to 25% (energy saver)
  • Easy installation
  • High-quality fabric
  • Eco-friendly
  • Thermal insulation
  • 100% blackout
  • High noise canceling capabilities
  • Pricey
A glimpse of the user's feedback
  • Works as just they say- Not only completely block the light but also muffles the sound
  • Crisp, well made and super effective
  • In short, the brand NICETOWN is known for its quality and commitment

2. H. Versailtex Premier Blackout Wider Curtains

As the name suggests, H. Versailtex Premier Blackout Wider Curtains are among the best soundproof curtains available on the market.
It is definitely a close competitor of NICETOWN 100% Blackout Curtains when it comes to performance.

Well, it goes without saying that you'll have to pay a good price to take this acoustic drape home.

The H. Versailtex Premier Blackout Wider Curtains are made specifically for large windows & patio doorways.

These soundproof drapes measures 100 inches wider & 108 inches long.

They come as a single panel and each panel consists of 16 metal grommets with an inner diameter of 1.6 inches.

The company claims that these noise canceling curtains are PVC and Vinyl free. 

So, you can install this curtain in your home even though you've small kids in your home.

It has a great noise canceling as well as light blocking capabilities.

It can block 100% of the UV Rays & 99 percent of sunlight.

It is made of triple woven thick microfiber fabrics that help in noise reduction, thermal insulation, and also privacy protection.

It goes without saying that H. Versailtex is one of the best soundproof curtains for doors available on the market.

I recommend this drape for yards & french glass doors.

You can also use these heavy soundproofing curtains to solve the space problems in your room, workspace, basement etc.

Without any second thought, you can use these acoustical drapes as a room divider curtain.

There is a common misconception among the newbies that due to the large size the installation may be difficult.

But, the reality is completely different.

You may need helping hand to hang this noise reduction curtain on the rod, but as far as I know, the installation is quite simple and less time-consuming.

The steel grommets are strong enough to withstand the curtain weight.

And, you can easily move the curtain on the rod.

These soundproof doorway curtains are quite strong and heavyweight, and also, they are bound to bring comfort and elegance to your home. 

Though the H. Versailtex are bit costly still I would recommend you try this soundproof drapes because you'll definitely get what you've paid for.

The sound deadening fabric for curtain is smooth and durable.

What is your view on this soundproof drapes?


  • High-quality fabrics (100% polyester)
  • Dimension: 100" width * 108" length
  • 16 strong metal grommets with the inner diameter of 1.6-inch
  • OEKO-TEX standard
  • Triple woven microfiber fabric
  • Thermal insulation
  • Machine washable
  • 99% light blackout 
  • 100% UV Rays blocking
  • High noise canceling capability
  • Best for big patio doors & glass french door
  • Eco-friendly
  • Pricey
A glimpse of the user's feedback
  • Nice soft material and good weight for hanging
  • Tall, dark, and very attractive
  • The consumers are quite happy with the product even though it's a bit pricey

3. Deconovo Blackout Drapes

These noise-reducing curtains come as a single panel per package.

The Deconovo Blackout Drapes are huge with a dimension of 100" wider and 95" longer.

best noise cancelling curtains
Check the current price on Amazon
Though they come as a single panel still they can perform on par with double-panel acoustic curtains.

Well, these noise canceling single panel curtains have an edge over the dual-panels.

Unlike dual-panel, you'll NOT find any space in the middle of the curtain so neither light nor sound wave can enter into the premises.

In short, this drape covers the entire windows without any crack.

If you're the one who gets fascinated with the colors, then I've got a piece of good news for you, these acoustic drapes come into a variety of colors.

From the traditional colors to the funky ones, these drapes literally pave the way for itself.

Black, brown, orange, and bright blues are my favorite colors for these heavy soundproof curtains for doors & windows.

Remember, the lighter the color the higher the percentage of light that will enter your room.

I've experimented with this brand quite a few times, and I can assure you that these curtains are good at canceling the outside noise.

However, you need to install it in the correct way for optimum output.

Whether you're a person residing in a cold or a hot region, this curtain will definitely help you with the temperature.

Once you've installed a couple of Deconovo blackout drapes, you'll find your room a bit cooler than the outside temperature in summer & vice-versa.

Needless to say, it will also impact your electricity bill though positively.

It may not be the best when it comes to light blackout, but it combats extraordinarily well the unwanted noise.

These drapes are the preferred choice when it comes to using soundproof curtains for doors such as sliding glass doors or patio doors.

The anti-rust metal grommets make these drapes high stable and movable.

All the 16 grommets with an inner diameter of 1.6 inches ensure that the curtain does haven't any problem in installation or the movement.

Unlike some of the acoustic drapes which have stitching problems, these Deconovo blackout curtains are definitely crafted with care and come with a high-quality of stitching.

The Deconovo blackout drape uses triple weave technology to prevent light from entering your room, and also providing thermal insulation to your room.

But, I'm inquisitive about how the triple weave technology works, aren't you?

In fact, this acoustic curtain consists of three layers, and all the layers are merged together to reflect the heat and sunlight.

A high-density black yarn layer is sandwiched between the two high-quality fabric layers to help you with the optimum outcome.

Well, if I've to talk about the darkening effect of these drapes, then definitely, panels in darker color have better darkening effects.

Last but not least, these blackout drapes are silky and soft, and will definitely give your room an elegant look.

And, all of it is available at a price that you can afford easily.

  • 100% polyester: high-quality fabric
  • Dimension: 100" wide & 95" long
  • 16 metal grommets with an inner diameter of 1.6-inches
  • Comes as a single unit per package
  • Soft and silky drapes 
  • Triple-weave technology
  • Blackout
  • Thermal insulation
  • Machine washable
  • Affordable
  • Lighter color curtains may not give you hundred percent blackout
A glimpse of the user's feedback
  • Value for money product
  • It not only dampen noise but also gives an elegant look to your room
  • Budget-friendly, and you'll NOT regret spending on it


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